In the “new normal” created by the Covid-19 pandemic, online mediation is becoming ubiquitous.

All mediators must adapt their approach, skills and attitudes to the online environment and, as part of this adaption, they must support in the best possible way the parties for whom the online environment might be totally new, confusing or even frightening.

By getting our unique E-mediator Specialization – the first Qualifying Assessment Program for online mediation specialization from the International Mediation Institute – you will get your knowledge and skills thoroughly assessed by recognized experts in the field, which will increase your professional credibility among your peers and with your clients.

Our specialization is also a prerequisite to become an IMI Online Mediator and be recognized as such on IMI’s website

Why become specialized in online mediation?

It gives you a competitive advantage
By demonstrating your commitment to professional excellence and continuous learning, you differentiate from other mediators and increase your prestige and visibility.

It increases your effectiveness
Specialization in the online environment  gives you  a solid professional foundation.

It is a confidence booster for you
Passing the assessment and earning your specialization increase your personal confidence level and make you ready to embrace more challenging and complex online mediation projects.

It increases your earning potential
Time and efforts invested in professional certifications often result in increased income. Most clients will understand the higher costs associated with specialized training and are willing to pay for professionals who have industry certifications.


The assessment process
